
How to use the Dehaze tool in RawTherapee

The Haze Removal tool removes atmospheric haze and increases the contrast and saturation. However, often creates over-saturation and an blue cast. In this video we are using two pictures and we correct the colors using the color correction tools. The details about the algorithm are available here: The pictures used in the video are available here:

How to "pop" your landscape picture using RawTherapee

I 'm sure that you have seen the beautiful landscape images that look like painting or part of a dream. In this post we will try to explain how to make such photos using the RawTherapee. The photo is taken in Rhodes Greece and presents a picture of an old medieval building in the countryside. The day was partially cloudy and the light soft. However, the sky is much more bright than the ground. First of all, before start editing the picture, we reset the exposure by pressing the reset the curve to linear in the tone curve. We press the “Auto Levels” button to improve the overall exposure. However, now we notice that the bottom is much darker than the sky. To fix this, we increase the exposure to improve the lightness of the picture. Now we have the opposite effect: the upper part of the photo is much brighter than the bottom, creating clipping areas in the sky. To fix this we will use the graduated filter. We can increase the Feather, if we want to make the filter less noticeable. N

Fast photo editing for a travel photo

When taking photos while traveling, most of the time, you don't have time to spend on taking the best photo. Moreover, you cannot spend more than a few minutes for post-processing per photo because when you travel you are expected to take a lot of photos. In this post, we will edit a picture taken from a trip to Amsterdam and make minimal changes. Although the conditions were ideal, in the middle of the day and with plenty of light, the final result was not optimal. With the RawTherapee, we will try to improve the photo within a few minutes. Original overexposed photo. When opening the picture, we can see at the center there is an overexposed area. This happens because RawTherapee cannot correctly calculate the values for exposure. The sky is also too bright and not as blue as we would like.  So, the first thing to do when opening the picture is to fix the exposure. We reset the exposure by pressing the reset the curve to linear in the tone curve and then we press the “Auto Levels”

RawTherapee workflow and organization

A typical workflow includes organizing the pictures, editing them, convert them, and store them in a safe location. Digital photography workflow. The File Browser is the first screen you see when you start the application. You can click on the left bar to change the section. The application window has three tabs that lead to three different sections:  File browser: Navigate the directories, organize the files, batch process, and show detailed information about a picture. Queue: Batching! Editor: Where the magic happens. File browser File browser of RawTherapee. The file browser is split into three areas: the drive and directory browser on the left, the thumbnails of the current directory in the center, and the subtabs of additional tools on the right.  At the top of the thumbnail section, there is a toolbar that you can apply filters, zoom in/out, crop, and rotate the photo. When you decide to edit your raw photo, you can double click the picture to change in application n editor mode.


RawTherappe main editing window. RawTherapee is one of the best applications to convert your RAW photos to jpg. The user has a plethora of tools available including improving expose and contrast, fixing or changing color, enhancing details, and even selecting the demosaicing algorithm you like. Whether you are using the tool as an alternative to commercial applications or to improve photos that need additional processing, this blog will provide you with the necessary directions to produce an excellent outcome. Rawtherapee was originally written by Gábor Horváth back in the 00s. In 2010 he decided to release the application under the GNU General Public License Version 3. The initial version had only a basic set of RAW image manipulation but it was much more powerful even than commercially available tools. Fast forward 10 years and more than 60 people have contributed to the project with an active community. One of the impressive things about the application is the documentation availabl